Valuations Deep Dive
24 March 2021,
Virtual Event GMT/UTC
Are infrastructure fund managers adequately measuring covid's impact on their portfolios?
Open-ended funds are dependent on external valuations, including manager performance fees, and listed infrastructure is valued in real time. We look at whether closed-end funds are rolling valuations forward and adequately testing them against external benchmarks.
Valuations Deep Dive - Wednesday 24th
Valuations Deep Dive
10:00 - 10:05
Welcome from Infrastructure Investor and an overview of the Global Passport schedule
10:05 - 10:30
Speed Networking
Get to know your fellow Passport holders via our quickfire 4-minute speed networking sessions. Participate in a series of randomly generated meetings to help you meet your peers. Follow up afterwards via the Passport directory to continue the conversation.
10:30 - 11:20
Has the market accurately assessed valuations through the pandemic?
Adam Smallman,
Serkan Bahçeci,
Annette Bannister,
Frederic Blanc-Brude,
Colin Simpson
Panel Session
- Fair value, cash flows and risk premia: The impact of Covid on each component and what it means for asset performance.
- Long-term cash flows and present value: can investors ignore short term fluctuations in valuations in illiquid assets?
- Is infrastructure expensive now? Should it be?
Moderator: Adam Smallman, Director – Membership Programs, PEI Media Group

11:20 - 11:50
Meet the speakers Q&A and networking
Discuss the topic with the speakers and put your questions to them face-to-face
11:50 - 11:50