Driving the future of European sustainable finance

Responsible Investor’s 18th annual RI Europe conference will return to London next June to discuss sustainable finance developments and industry best practices.

Gain insights from those leading the sustainable finance drive in Europe on topical ESG themes including accelerating net zero progress, the evolving EU regulatory landscape, getting to grips with biodiversity risk management, the future of ESG data strategy, and more.

Join over 600 leading investors and fund managers for two days of networking at the must-attend event for sustainable finance.

Download the 2024 agenda

2024 key themes:

  • EU regulatory landscape and its implications
  • Road to net zero: Fostering the decarbonisation of Europe’s economy
  • Effective engagement: What lessons have we learnt and how stewardship standards improve?
  • Biodiversity and nature: Navigating data collection and stakeholder expectations
  • Transition finance: What comes next for 2024?
  • Keeping track of and adapting to evolving sustainability regulations worldwide
  • Standard setting: Innovation and interoperability
  • How are investors tackling biodiversity loss and reductions in resource and water use
  • 2024 European Parliament election

Snapshot of this year's attendees

Meet leading asset owners including:

What can you expect at the forum?

Get real insight into the industry

RI Europe’s innovative programme gets straight to the point on what sustainability means for business and investment in the real world. Topics include EU regulatory landscape, road to net zero, transition finance and many more.

Build a long-lasting network

Our event facilitates networking opportunities that drive collaboration and foster innovation. Network in-person at our workshops, panels, private breakfasts, debates, and evening drinks reception.

Meet leading asset owners

Hear from investors honing their sustainable finance strategy and creating real impact. Gain insights on their ESG allocation strategies, priorities and preferences for their next investment partner.

Stay ahead of market trends

Be in the know about upcoming changes to regulations, latest trends and emerging opportunities in the world of responsible investment. Keep your strategies fresh and adapt to the rapidly evolving landscape.

Unparalleled learning opportunities

Not only will you network with the best in the business, but you’ll also gain invaluable insights and expertise through interactive sessions, discussions, and workshops.

Connect with the ESG community

Meet with the ESG community at the forefront of shaping sustainable finance in Europe. Engage with investment professionals, regulators, academics, NGOs, and legal experts who are driving meaningful change in the industry.

2024 speaker line-up included:

View all speakers
View all speakers

Are you an asset owner in public markets?

A limited number of complimentary passes are available for eligible asset owners to join the event.

To qualify for a complimentary pass, you must meet the eligibility criteria in representing a pension fund, insurance company, sovereign wealth fund, foundation, endowment, trust, family office or corporate investment division.

Apply for a pass and a member of our team will follow up with you to secure your pass.

Apply for a complimentary pass

Connect with investors & ESG professionals

Responsible Investor Europe provides an opportunity to make connections with an exclusive audience of ESG and sustainable finance decision makers. Share your solutions, collaborate and network with senior-level executives through bespoke sponsorship packages to meet your 2024 business goals.

Enquire about sponsorship

RI Europe will return June 2025.

For more information on the agenda or speaking opportunities, please contact Boris Petrovic.

Boris.P@pei.group| +44 20 3640 7518

Download the 2024 agenda

Network at Europe's leading responsible investment event

Responsible Investor’s 18th annual RI Europe conference will return to London in June 2025. Join over 600 leading investors and fund managers for two days of networking at the must-attend event for sustainable finance. Building relationships at RI Europe isn’t just about exchanging business cards; it’s about finding common ground and shared goals. Collaborations forged here can be the cornerstone of future projects and initiatives.

View past attendees

The in-person networking experience

Meet industry thought leaders

Connect with the ESG community at the forefront of shaping sustainable finance in Europe. Engage with investment professionals, regulators, academics, NGOs, and lawyers who are driving meaningful change in the industry.

15+ hours of networking

Connect in-person with the ESG community at our interactive workshops, panels, private breakfasts, debates, and evening drinks reception. Every moment at RI Europe is a chance to forge valuable connections.

Build valuable connections with European asset owners 

Engage with leading asset owners and gain insights into their ESG allocation strategies and preferences for their next investment partner. Past attendees include Aegon, Church of England Pensions Board, Folksam, Legal & General, Scottish Widows, Unilever APF, and many more.

Connect with active investors

Border to Coast Pensions Partnership
British International Investment
Brunel Pension Partnership
Cambridge Associates
Children's Investment Fund Foundation
Church of England Pensions Board
Friends Provident Foundation
Irish Life
Local Pensions Partnership
MP Investments
NEST Corporation
Nestlé UK Pensions
Nordea Life & Pension
Scottish Widows
Wellcome Trust
The Health Foundation
London Pensions Fund Authority
BBC Pension Trust
British Airways Pension Investment Management
VBV Pensionskasse
Cambridge University Endowment
Migros Pension Fund
Caisse des depots et Consignations
Strathclyde Pension Fund
San Francisco Employees' Retirement System
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
State of New Jersey
New York City Comptroller
Canada Post Corporation Pension Plan
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

Be recognised as driving the future of sustainable finance

Responsible Investor Europe provides an opportunity to make connections with an exclusive audience of ESG and sustainable finance decision makers. Share your solutions, collaborate and network with senior-level executives through bespoke sponsorship packages to meet your 2025 business goals.

Enquire about sponsorship

 If you would like to join the industry-leading line-up in June 2025, please contact Joana Frade.

joana.f@pei.group | +44 20 3640 7518

Download the 2024 agenda

2024 speaker line-up included:

James Alexander

Chief Executive, UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association

Dr. Jimena Alvarez

Lead Greening Finance for Nature, Resilience & Development Group, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford

Vipul Arora

Partner, ESG & Climate Solutions, Sattva Consulting

Kiran Aziz

Head of Responsible Investments, KLP

Khalid Azizuddin

Senior Reporter, Responsible Investor

Colin Baines

Stewardship Manager, Border to Coast Pensions Partnership

Serkan Batir

Managing Director, Global Head of Index Product Development and Benchmarks, ISS STOXX

Phil Bloomer

Executive Director, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Jean Boissinot

Deputy Director Financial Stability Head of NGFS Secretariat, Banque de France

Catherine Bremner

Chief Strategy Officer, Impax Asset Management

Steven Bullock

Managing Director, Global Head of Research and Methodology, S&P Global Sustainable1

Eva Cairns

Head of Responsible Investments and Stewardship, Scottish Widows

Elisa Cencig

Head of Policy Engagement, Norges Bank Investment Management

Nicoletta Centofanti

CEO, Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (LSFI)

James Chamberlayne

Director, Sustainable Finance Program , CDP

Theodor Christensen

CEO, Envira

Mandy Chung

Vice President, ESG Product Manager, FactSet

Leanne Clements

Head of Responsible Investment, People’s Partnership

Paul Clements-Hunt

Founder / CEO, The Blended Capital Group UK

Ed Collins

Director, InfluenceMap

Caroline Cook

Head of Climate Change, Ballie Gifford

Craig Davies

CEO, Cadlas

Cathrine De Coninck Lopez

Global Head of Responsible Investment, HSBC Asset Management

Anita de Horde

Co-founder and Executive Director , Finance for Biodiversity

Michiel De Smet

Sustainable Investment Expert, National Bank of Belgium

Eliya Devay

Engagement Track Manager, Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance

Alasdair Docherty

Sustainable Finance and Data Analyst, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)

Claire Dorrian

Head of Sustainable Finance, Capital Markets and Post Trade, LSEG

Frédéric Ducoulombier

Director, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute

Bruce Duguid

Head of Stewardship, Federated Hermes

Robert Edwards

Director of Product Management, Morningstar Indexes

Honor Fell

Associate Director and Sustainable Investment Lead, University of Cambridge Investment Management (“UCIM”)

Arnaud Filhol

CEO, France Valley

Lucy Fitzgeorge-Parker

Editor, Responsible Investor

Mette Emsholm Gahr

Climate Investment Analyst, Zurich Insurance Group

Gina Gambetta

Senior Reporter, Responsible Investor

Adam Gillett

Senior Investment Director, Railpen

Deborah Gilshan

Head of ESG and Stewardship, Europe, AustralianSuper

Romie Goedicke den Hertog

Co-head Nature, UNEP FI

Tony Goldner

Executive Director, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

Jane Goodland

Group Head of Sustainability, LSEG

Delaney Greig

Director, Investor Stewardship, University Pension Plan Ontario

Dr Doug Gurr

Director, Natural History Museum

Olga Hancock

Head of Responsible Investment, Church Commissioners for England

Shavana Haythornwaite

Head of Human Rights and Conflict Zones, Morningstar Sustainalytics

Laura Hillis

Director of Climate and Environment, Church of England Pensions Board

Dr Stephanie Hime

Managing Director, Little Blue Research

Ingrid Holmes

Executive Director, Green Finance Institute

Elza Holmstedt Pell

Deputy Editor, Responsible Investor

Catherine Howarth

Chief Executive, ShareAction

Josephine Jackson

Vice Chair, IAASB

Till Jung


Alex Kennedy

MD, Head, Sustainable Finance Solutions and Adaptation Finance, Standard Chartered Bank

Piet Klop

Head of Responsible Investment, PGGM

Hilkka Komulainen

Head of Responsible Investment, Aegon UK

Sindhu Krishna

Head of Sustainable Investments, The Phoenix Group

Elizabeth Lance

Assistant Chief Counsel, ICI Global

Paul Lee

Head of Stewardship and Sustainable Investment Strategy, Redington

John Lindberg

Policy and Public Affairs Lead, ICMM

Tom Lorber

Director, Climate, Children's Investment Fund Foundation

Signe Andreasen Lysgaard

Chief Adviser, Business and Human Rights, Danish Institute for Human Rights

Harry Mansfield

Account Manager, Capital Markets, CDP

Will Martindale

Co-founder, Canbury

Fiona McNally

Reporter, Responsible Investor

Colin Melvin

Founder and Managing Director, Arkadiko Partners

Robin Millington

CEO, Planet Tracker

Julie Moret

Global Head of Sustainable Investing, Northern Trust Asset Management

Peter Munro

Head of Division, Investor Relations and Sustainable Finance, European Investment Bank

Eoin Murray

Managing Director, SEED

Girish Narula

Head of Sustainable Finance, EMEA and APAC, ICE

Carmen Nuzzo

Professor in Practice, Executive Director, Transition Pathway Initiative Centre LSE

Patrick Parent

Chair of the CEAOB / Director for prospective and international affairs at H2A, H2A (Haute Autorité de l’Audit)

Alexandra Pavlovskis

ESG Product Strategy Lead, Financial Information, SIX

Patrick Peura

ESG Engagement Manager, Allianz Investment Management, Co-lead of the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance Engagement Track, Allianz Investment Management

Anand Rajagopal

Shareholder Assets & Private Markets Sustainability Lead, Phoenix Group

Vaishnavi Ravishankar

Head of Stewarship, Brunel Pension Partnership

Clare Richards

Director, Social – Responsible Investment, Church of England Pensions Board

Isabella Ritter

Senior EU Policy Officer, ShareAction

Verena Ross

Chair, European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

David Russell

Chair, Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI)

Lorenzo Saa

Chief Sustainability Officer, Clarity AI

Nicolaj Sebrell

Director of Investor Relationships - EMEA, IFRS Foundation

Rafel Servent

Engagement Manager, MUFG Asset Management

Jen Sisson


Rory Sullivan

CEO, Chronos Sustainability

Marcus Svedberg

Chief Economist, Folksam

Michael Taschner

Head of Sustainability Solutions, S&P Global Market Intelligence

Peter Taylor

Head of Engagement, IIGCC

Jakob Thomä

Co-Founder & Research Director, Theia Finance Labs

Sandy Trust

Chair, IFOA’s Sustainability Board

Agnieszka Trzcinska

Team Lead – Financial Stability, European Central Bank

Kate Turner

Global Head of Responsible Investment, First Sentier Investors

Eugenia Unanyants-Jackson

Global Head of Environmental, Social & Governance, PGIM

Simone Utermarck

Senior Director, Sustainable Finance, International Capital Market Association (ICMA)

Elisa Vacherand

Deputy Practice Leader, Finance, WWF International

Magali Van Coppenolle

Global Head of Policy, Climate Bonds Initiative

Micha van den Boogerd

Director Responsible Investment Services, TAUW Group

Sylvain Vanston

Director of Climate Investment Research, MSCI

Irina Velieva

Director, Sustainable Finance, S&P Global Ratings

Paul Verney

Features Writer, Responsible Investor

Faith Ward

Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Brunel Pension Partnership

Dominic Webb

Reporter, Responsible Investor   

Michael Wilkins

Professor of Practice, Executive Director, CCFI, Imperial College Business School

Jamie Williamson

Executive Director, ICoCA

Amy Wilson

Head of Stewardship Team, Norges Bank Investment Management

Linda Zeilina-Cross

CEO, International Sustainable Finance Centre (ISFC)

Be recognised as driving the future of sustainable finance to institutional investors in Europe

Sponsoring at Responsible Investor global events positions your company at the forefront of key decision-makers and ensures your profile gains a competitive advantage within the industry. Enquire about bespoke sponsorship packages to:

  • Align your brand with Responsible investor’s authoritative content-led event portfolio and be seen as a go-to solution provider for senior ESG and sustainable finance professionals.
  • Stand tall amongst your competitors by positioning your company at Responsible Investor Europe and embed your brand as a major player to senior institutional investors.
  • Raise your profile as a thought leader within the industry to overcome the key challenges within responsible Investing.
  • Showcase your institutional investor solutions, in-person to new global audiences and generate new business opportunities to achieve your targets.

View sponsorship opportunities

2024 sponsors included:

Connect with responsible investment investors

Asset Management One
Bayerische Versorgungskammer (BVK)
BBC Pension Trust
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership
British Airways Pension Investment Management
Brunel Pension Partnership
Caisse des depots et Consignations
Cambridge Associates
Cambridge University Endowment
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
Canada Post Corporation Pension Plan
Children's Investment Fund Foundation
Church Commissioners
Church of England Pensions Board
Friends Provident Foundation
Irish Life
Local Pensions Partnership
London Pensions Fund Authority
Migros Pension Fund
MP Investments
NEST Corporation
Nestlé UK Pensions
New York City Comptroller
Nordea Life & Pension
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
San Francisco Employees' Retirement System
Scottish Widows
State of New Jersey
Strathclyde Pension Fund
The Health Foundation
VBV Pensionskasse
Wellcome Trust

Hiroshi Komori

Senior Director, Stewardship & ESG, GPIF

RI events around the world have been beneficial to catch up on ongoing ESG issues and network with great people.

Andrea Palmer


I appreciate the quality of the delegates and the conversations. It’s the go-to venue to gauge developments in ESG integration.

Asset owners at RI Europe

Responsible Investor Europe provides an unrivalled platform for asset owners investing in ESG and sustainable finance. Join over 100 asset owners from across Europe to discuss the latest responsible investing trends and compare best practices and allocation strategies for 2025 and beyond.

A limited number of complimentary passes are available exclusively for asset owners. Explore the conference benefits and find out which of your peers will be attending. Apply now for a complimentary pass for yourself or your team.


What to expect

Network with your peers

Enrich your network, build lasting relationships, and exchange valuable perspectives with your fellow asset owners during asset owner-only breakfasts, networking breaks, lunches and much more.

Gain expert insights

Hear from our industry-leading speaker line-up, discover the latest trends and stay aligned with future innovations in the market.

Stay aligned to developments and opportunities

Discover remarkable investment opportunities and leverage ESG expertise focused on regulation, human rights, biodiversity, net zero and more.

Meet with the best and brightest funds

Connect and arrange one-to-one meetings with the biggest and best ESG managers in the market and find your next investment partner.

Asset owners at RI Europe.

‘This event stands as the largest gathering designed specifically for asset owners and top-level corporates, providing two days of networking and insightful discussions.

Explore the conference benefits and find out which of your peers will be attending. 

Download asset owner prospectus

Asset owners that attended in 2024:

Aegon UK
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership
Brunel Pension Partnership
Church Commissioners for England
Church of England Pensions Board
De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
EIRIS Foundation
Friends Provident Foundation
Greater Manchester Pension Fund
HSBC Bank UK Pensions Trust
John Ellerman Foundation
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
KLP Insurance Pension Fund
BBC Pension Trust
Laudes Foundation
LGPS Central
Merseyside Pension Fund
Monetary Authority of Singapore
National Bank of Belgium
Nippon Life Global Investors Europe
Norges Bank Investment Management
Pension Protection Fund
People's Partnership
Phoenix Group
Scott Trust Endowment
Scottish Widows
University Pension Plan Ontario
Wesleyan Assurance Society
Zurich Insurance Group

Apply for a complimentary asset owner pass

A limited number of complimentary passes are available for eligible asset owners to join the event.

To qualify for a complimentary pass, you must meet the eligibility criteria in representing a pension fund, insurance company, sovereign wealth fund, foundation, endowment, trust, family office or corporate investment division.

Apply for a pass and a member of our team will follow up with you to secure your pass.

Apply for a complimentary pass

Meet our leading advisory board in 2024

Kiran Aziz

Head of Responsible Investments, KLP

Lucy Fitzgeorge-Parker

Editor, Responsible Investor

Deborah Gilshan

Head of ESG and Stewardship, Europe, AustralianSuper

Laura Hillis

Director of Climate and Environment, Church of England Pensions Board

Ingrid Holmes

Executive Director, Green Finance Institute

Catherine Howarth

Chief Executive, ShareAction

Hilkka Komulainen

Head of Responsible Investment, Aegon UK

Aleksandra Palinska

Executive Director, Eurosif

Rory Sullivan

CEO, Chronos Sustainability

Jakob Thomä

Co-Founder & Research Director at Theia Finance Labs