Private Markets
Responsible Investment Forum: Asia
22 - 23 October 2025,
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Asia’s #1 event for sustainability in private markets
The renowned Responsible Investment Forum series is returning to Asia in 2025! Building on the success of forums in London and New York, this is the gathering place for global leaders in sustainable investment.
Connect with an audience of over 200 sustainable finance practitioners and thought leaders including institutional investors, fund managers, and industry experts from across private markets in Singapore. Active Super, APG Asset Management, CalSTRS, GIC, KWAP, PGGM, Temasek and many more have already confirmed.
Gain invaluable insights on the key themes and trends impacting investments in the region including the evolution of sustainability in Asian private equity, working with investment teams and portfolio companies across multiple jurisdictions, strategically embedding ESG into value creation plans and much more.
2024 Speakers included
2024 Key Themes
- The evolution of sustainability in Asian private equity
- Working with investment teams and portfolio companies across multiple jurisdictions on ESG initiatives
- ESG Data Convergence Initiative Update
- Strategically embedding ESG into value creation plans
- GP/LP data dialogue: making data useful for investing
- Managing complex supply chains in Asian private equity
- Navigating regulatory landscapes: strategies for Asian PE firms
- Portfolio company insights on sustainability and ESG enhancement in Asia
- Investor view: to what extent is ESG impacting allocations in Asia?
- Driving action on climate in Asian private equity
- To what extent is ESG a useful fundraising tool in the region?
- Practical tips to avoid greenwashing in private equity
Leading the way in responsible investment practices
Exceptional event content
Gain the latest insights and best practice from industry experts to transform your responsible investment strategies for the opportunities and challenges ahead.
Unparalleled Networking
Collaborate with your peers and benchmark your progress. Network during breaks, interactive working sessions, and invite-only breakfasts.
Meet Leading Investors
Secure your next investment from leading institutional and private investors. Confirmed investor attendees include APG Asset Management, British International Investment, CalSTRS, Monetary Authority of Singapore, PGGM, Temasek and many more.
Part of the Sustainable Investor Summit Asia
Co-hosted with the 4th Annual RI Asia, the Responsible Investment Forum Asia forms the Sustainable Investor Summit. Bringing together thought leaders from both private and public markets across Asia and beyond. The focus will centre on the ongoing evolution of sustainability in Asian financial markets.
Are you an institutional investor?
A limited number of complimentary passes are available for eligible institutional investors to join the event.
Complimentary investor passes are limited to foundations, endowments, trusts, insurance companies, single family offices, sovereign wealth funds and pension funds who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.
Apply for a pass and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility.
Interested in sponsoring Responsible Investment Forum?
Shake hands with prominent global institutional investors, fund managers, consultants, and highly recognised associations to build effective ESG strategies focused on value creation and ROI.
3 global opportunities to:
• Raise your visibility as a figurehead in a crowded ESG market and align your brand with PEI’s global and diverse event portfolio.
• Differentiate your brand and stand out from your competitors by collaborating as a thought leader across leading global ESG events in private equity, infrastructure, and private debt.
• Raise your reputation as an expert in ESG amongst existing and future clients.
• Get ahead of ESG and impact fund regulations and be the go to provider in industry developments setting you apart from your competitors.
Get in touch with us today and let us put your company at the forefront of the industry.
Testimonials from other Responsible Investment Forums
“I really enjoyed the conference. It was very encouraging to hear how GP’s are integrating ESG not only in their portfolios but in their firms as we…
“Global warming, air pollution, and energy insecurity are three of the greatest problems facing humanity. The Responsible Investment Forum is a powerful g…
“It’s great to see PEI bring together a diverse and growing group of investment professionals interested and active in responsible and sustainable investment. T…
“I really enjoyed the conference. It was very encouraging to hear how GP’s are integrating ESG not only in their portfolios but in their firms as well. It was great to learn about their best practices as well as lessons learned. The breakout sessions and panels were very informative. The conference provided good networking opportunities as well.”
“Global warming, air pollution, and energy insecurity are three of the greatest problems facing humanity. The Responsible Investment Forum is a powerful global platform for like minded ESG investors to transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all”
“It’s great to see PEI bring together a diverse and growing group of investment professionals interested and active in responsible and sustainable investment. The format of 1:1 interactions, break out and plenary sessions was useful to share general market perspectives and engage in detail to share experience and deepen understanding of the many and varied ESG issues facing our industry today”
2024 Agenda
The Responsible Investment Forum: Asia 2024 took place on October 29-30 2024 at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
For agenda information or to inquire about speaking opportunities, please contact Charles Gould at
Responsible Investment Forum Asia 2024 - Tuesday 29th
Breakfast and Registration
PEI and PRI Introduction
Chair's opening remarks & Keynote: how the upcoming U.S. election will impact sustainability

The evolution of sustainability in Asian private equity
- The increasing prominence of locally based heads of ESG within Asia.
- Navigating talent acquisition in an evolving landscape
- How are local funds approaching sustainability vs. international funds with a foothold in Asia?
- Global perspectives on sustainability in Asian private equity

Working with investment teams and portfolio companies across multiple jurisdictions on ESG initiatives
- Strategies for fostering alignment and collaboration among investment teams and portfolio companies
- Communicating effectively to bridge the gap with the investment team
- Integrating ESG considerations into due diligence and throughout the investment cycle
- Strategies for navigating the diverse regulatory environments across Asian markets

Jaclyn Seow
Executive Director, Head of ESG & Impact and Head of Portfolio Success, Openspace
Read bio

ESG Data Convergence Initiative Update
- Update on progress in Asia compared with North America and Europe
- To what extent is the initiative helping LPs and GPs to solve the data challenge?
- How are firms leveraging data to gain new insights and drive value creation?
- Highlighting potential collaborative opportunities and outlining the roadmap for further advancing the initiative

GP/LP data dialogue: making data useful for investing
- How sophisticated are Asian LPs data requests vs. European and US counterparts?
- Considering regional distinctions between LPs in different regions
- Overcoming issues with sharing portfolio company data
- Strategies for reducing the workload for GPs

Strategically embedding ESG into value creation plans
- Insights into the collaborative approaches adopted by ESG leaders in working alongside value creation and investment teams
- Exploring the extent to which the implementation of sustainability practices enhances resilience within private equity investments
- Strategies for effectively measuring the impact of ESG integration on value creation outcomes
- Case studies from real PE investments in Asia

Saurabh Dhingra
EY-Parthenon Asean Financial Services Strategy Leader, Ernst & Young Solutions
Read bio

The state of the Asian impact investing market
- What is the appetite from local LPs interested in impact funds?
- What are the main investment themes which are taking off in Asia’s impact market?
- How are existing funds deploying their capital?
- To what extent is the impact label necessary, does it just add a reporting burden?
Managing complex supply chains in Asian private equity
- What questions are investors asking managers on supply chains?
- Which issues and risks are most concerning for investors?
- Strategies for enhancing transparency and accountability across the supply chain
- How should global managers be communicating with their investors on supply chain issues?
Coffee & Networking
Navigating regulatory landscapes: strategies for Asian PE firms
- To what extent are regulations in Europe and the US having an impact?
- What should PE firms be focusing on?
- Identifying key Areas of convergence and divergence across different jurisdictions regionally and globally
- Strategies for staying agile and adaptable in the face of evolving regulatory standards and expectations
How funds can lead the way on the sustainability journey of their portfolio companies
- Insights on sustainability and ESG enhancement within portfolio companies in Asia
- How much has ESG risen on the agenda for portfolio companies?
- Collaborative strategies between funds and portfolio companies
- Key ESG focus areas for improving performance and creating real business value

Cocktail & Networking Reception
Responsible Investment Forum Asia 2024 - Wednesday 30th
Invite only Breakfast Discussion: Infusing ESG into operations and investing
- Investing: how do you use ESG data to identify and assess targets for value creation opportunities?
- How do you successfully collaborate with and ultimately embed ESG into Finance, Supply Chain, Product Design, IT, etc.?
- How do you ensure the asset can meet GP ESG reporting requirements?
- How can PE lean into climate tech as a value creation enabler?
Registration & Networking
Brief opening remarks

Investor perspectives on the significance of how managers approach sustainability
- How are ESG considerations effecting allocations in Asia?
- Considering differences between investor expectations in different countries in Asia
- How are the regions investors integrating the EDCI within their wider data requests?
- What are the new areas LPs are asking questions of managers from?

Fireside Chat: Moving beyond ESG to Impact - Aligning with the Impact Principles for a Roadmap and Competitive Advantage
- Why and how a leading Japanese ESG investor became a Signatory to the Operating Principles for Impact Management (the “Impact Principles”)
- Integrating impact throughout the investment lifecycle: an overview of the Impact Principles and value to GPs and LPs
- ESG and impact-driven investment strategy and value creation: Gender lens and other examples of driving better ESG, impact, and financial outcomes
Driving action on climate in Asian private equity
- Update on latest initiatives and take-up in Asia
- Practical strategies for effectively managing and reducing Scope 3 emissions
- Exploring the role of technology and digital innovation in advancing climate goals
- Case studies highlighting successful efforts by Asian firms to drive tangible and transformative change

Prerna Divecha
Global Head of Market Development for ESG & Climate Credit Risk, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Read bioFireside chat: How a leading GP is developing its climate strategy
- Measurement to management – Why tracking the right KPIs is critical for climate success
- Advancing on the climate journey while keeping the final destination flexible
- Building a cohesive climate vision for a complex portfolio
Coffee & Networking
To what extent is ESG a useful fundraising tool in the region?
- Considering how to tailor investor conversations in different countries
- Identifying effective strategies for measuring and communicating ESG performance to attract investors in the region
- Exploring how ESG considerations influence investor decisions
- Is there any sign of the ESG backlash impacting ESG in Asia?
Practical tips to avoid greenwashing in private equity
- Examples of greenwashing in PE investing and learnings from experiences
- Practical methodologies and tools for investors to effectively discern genuine ESG commitments from superficial claims
- What specific and verifiable data points should LPs use to gauge veracity of ESG claims?
- To what extent is ‘greenhushing’ a growing phenomenon?

Interactive roundtable discussions over Lunch
A seated lunch enabling you to join a table of market participants with similar interests and expertise. Attendees will have a mix of tables to choose from, each table having a host to steer discussions.
- Roundtable A: iCI – advancing the climate agenda
Facilitator: Eimear Palmer, Partner, Global Head of Sustainability, Pantheon Ventures - Roundtable B: Delivering a climate data strategy
Facilitator: Laura Michie, Associate, ESG, HarbourVest Partners - Roundtable C: Value Creation
Facilitator: Daan Schipper, Senior Director, Northern Europe, Holtara, powered by Apex Group - Roundtable D: Avoiding Greenwashing
Facilitator: Billy Cotter, Head of ESG, Dasseti
Closing of conference
2024 Speakers
For agenda information or to inquire about speaking opportunities, please contact Charles Gould at

Prerna Divecha
Global Head of Market Development for ESG & Climate Credit Risk, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Network with the Asian responsible investment industry
Join 200+ attendees this October 22-23 at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore to connect with institutional investors, fund managers, specialist responsible investment and impact managers, and the wider ESG community for two days of learning and networking. This is a must-attend event for those with an interest in ESG in private markets.
The in-person networking experience
Meet investors with a focus on ESG
Network with active investors in responsible investment. Benefit from our expansive Asian investor community who will be in attendance throughout the Forum.
Network in-person once again
Connect with your peers at interactive workshops, networking breaks, an evening drinks reception, roundtable discussions and invite-only breakfasts.
Build new connections at the forum
Past investors include CalSTRS, Canadian Union of Public Employees, NYC Comptroller, Seattle City Employees Retirement System, United Church Funds, and many more.
Testimonials from other Responsible Investment Forums
I really enjoyed the conference. It was very encouraging to hear how GP’s are integrating ESG not only in their portfolios but in their firms as well. It was gr…
Global warming, air pollution, and energy insecurity are three of the greatest problems facing humanity. The Responsible Investment Forum is a powerful global p…
It’s great to see PEI bring together a diverse and growing group of investment professionals interested and active in responsible and sustainable investment. Th…
I really enjoyed the conference. It was very encouraging to hear how GP’s are integrating ESG not only in their portfolios but in their firms as well. It was great to learn about their best practices as well as lessons learned. The breakout sessions and panels were very informative. The conference provided good networking opportunities as well.
Global warming, air pollution, and energy insecurity are three of the greatest problems facing humanity. The Responsible Investment Forum is a powerful global platform for like minded ESG investors to transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all.
It’s great to see PEI bring together a diverse and growing group of investment professionals interested and active in responsible and sustainable investment. The format of 1:1 interactions, break out and plenary sessions was useful to share general market perspectives and engage in detail to share experience and deepen understanding of the many and varied ESG issues facing our industry today.
Connect with global investors focused on the future of the market
Position your business with an authoritative content-led event portfolio focused on ESG & responsible investing and be recognised as a go-to solution provider for senior private markets professionals and institutional investors.
Don’t miss the opportunity to:
- Shake hands with prominent fund managers, global institutional investors, and highly recognised associations to discuss your effective ESG strategies focused on value creation and ROI.
- Stand tall from your competitors by showcasing your company’s ESG and sustainability solutions and your industry expertise with thought leadership opportunities on the event program.
- Discover brand opportunities to position your services and solutions to a global ESG community
For more information on available sponsorship opportunities please fill in the enquiry form or contact Chris Wagland at or call +44 (0) 0207 566 5475.
Institutional Investors at the Responsible Investment Forum: Asia 2025
The Responsible Investment Forum: Asia provides a leading platform for institutional investors, and allocators investing in sustainable investment in private equity, to gather.
Join over 200 institutional investors and fund managers to debate the latest trends and key themes.
A limited number of complimentary passes are available for responsible investment LPs and institutional investors. Check out the benefits of joining the conference, who among your peers attends and find out how to apply for a complimentary pass for you or your team below.
What to expect at the forum?
Meet with the best and biggest impact funds globally
Network and arrange one-to-one meetings with leading institutional investors and benchmark your progress. Previous attending investors include CalSTRS, Canadian Union of Public Employees, NYC Comptroller, Seattle City Employees Retirement System, United Church Funds and many more
Network with your peers and other institutional investors
Build your network, understand their strategies, challenges and allocation approach to responsible investment
Get insight on the latest innovations and trends in responsible investment
Take advantage of expert insights from our leading speakers to stay aligned with developments in the market
Apply for a complimentary Institutional Investor pass
A limited number of complimentary passes are available for responsible investment Forum LPs, allocators and institutional investors.
Complimentary investor passes are limited to foundations, endowments, trusts, insurance companies, single family offices, sovereign wealth funds and pension funds who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.
Apply below and a member of our team will follow up with you to secure your pass.