Tadasu Matsuo
Managing Director and Head of Global Alternative Investments, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

The Infrastructure Investor Tokyo Forum, part of the Japan Korea Week, will gather Japan’s most influential fund managers and institutional investors for two days of unrivalled networking opportunities and insights from the brightest minds.
Share perspectives on Asian investment strategies, learn more about Korean investor appetite and identify high-yield assets across the region with leading investment practitioners
The Tokyo Forum is home to 150+ investors, gain access to them with across our 2 networking days and secure your next investment.
Create and nurture sustainable relationships with infrastructure’s elite by using our sophisticated networking platform.
For more information on speaking at the Japan Korea Week, please contact Andrew Wolff
E: andrew.w@pei.group
Portfolio Manager, Senior Managing Director, Energy Infrastructure Credit, Nuveen
Read bioExecutive Manager, Private Asset Investments, Strategic Fund Investment Group, Asset Management One
Read bio
Senior Director and Head of Infrastructure, Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF)
Read bioManaging Director and Head of Global Alternative Investments, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Read bioComplimentary investor passes are limited to foundations, endowments, trusts, insurance companies, single family offices, sovereign wealth funds and pension funds who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.
Apply for a pass and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility.
Network with your peers
Our LP-only breakfast, lunch and networking breaks are just some of the opportunities you will have to enrich your network, exchange valuable perspectives with your LP peers and diversify your investment strategy.
Gain expert insights
Safeguard your investments by hearing from our industry-leading speakers, discover the latest trends and stay aligned with future innovations in the market.
Explore opportunities
Discover remarkable investment opportunities in sectors including emerging markets, energy transition, infrastructure debt and more.
Meet with the best and brightest funds
Connect and arrange one-to-one meetings with infrastructure’s biggest fund and asset managers in the market.
Complimentary investor passes are limited to foundations, endowments, trusts, insurance companies, single family offices, sovereign wealth funds and pension funds who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.
Apply for a pass and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility.
「Infrastructure Investor Tokyo Forum」で、日本の最も影響力のある機関投資家とのつながりを強化し、資金調達の可能性を高めませんか?
ぜひ、「Infrastructure Investor Network」のメンバーシップを取得し、2024年6月に開催する東京フォーラムにご参加ください。
・ 現在の経済環境におけるコアインフラストラクチャーに対する高リスク資産への投資メリット
・ 成長技術における価値発見の方法
・ ESG投資におけるデータの役割
・ 円安がLPの投資戦略に与える影響
・ バッテリー蓄電システムと増加するグリッドスケールバッテリーの需要
世界中の3,000人以上の投資家やマネージャーのグローバルネットワークにアクセスしましょう。イベント前にミーティングを予約し、「Infrastructure Investor Network」の会員として、イベントを超えて会話を続けましょう。